The Beauty of Story

I recently returned from a vacation with my family to West Virginia, the state that my wife and I both grew up in. This was a needed time of peace and relaxation.

story wv bridge new river gorge

Taken by me at New River Gorge Bridge, WV

The park we camped in was near my wife’s hometown, so we visited with a few folks while we were there.

One thing I noticed while talking with folks in “Almost Heaven” is the value West “By God” Virginians place on storytelling.  I kept finding myself with folks who wanted to swap stories, and I even wondered if a good story is the most frequently bartered item in the state.  One gentleman would patiently tell his story, and then wait for me to tell one in return, then he would start a new story himself, and back and forth we went.

I know there are people all over who love stories, but it seems very prevalent in West Virginia.  Perhaps it is because life seems to move just a bit slower there.

Jesus, of course, was a master storyteller.  He is writing a story, His-story as some have called it, throughout eternity.  This story is the ultimate story, and it reveals the ultimate purpose and desires of His heart.

If you read the Scriptures carefully, you will see this narrative woven through the entirety of Scripture.

God is looking for a counterpart to His Son.  A holy bride to love and cherish.  A bride that knows His Son, and is known by Him.

God is looking for a family.  An “enlargement” of Himself.  A people who express His character.

God is looking for a home.  A place to rest.  A place to deposit Himself.

Each of us is living a story of some kind.  Is your story wrapped up in God’s ultimate story? 

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2 thoughts on “The Beauty of Story

  1. Yes Mark I have spent some time in WV and it is a beautiful place with a lot of stories and so is this Christ’s not a bunch of biblical doctrines to argue over but a family life to live in.

  2. Glad your back. Sounds like you had a great time. I believe you hit on an important nerve. I have heard it said that parables and stories can carry divine truth past the old noggen into the heart where it makes a greater impact.

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