A Walk with God

nature walkI have a new post this morning over at the good ‘ole 3rd Race Blog that I’m excited to share with you. 

The theme there this month is going on dates (spending time together) with the Lord. There are some great ideas and experiences being shared.

I wrote about a recent experience I had literally walking with Christ. 
The walk itself was a really rich experience, but the Lord showed some things to me afterwards that I summarize at the end of the post. 
Click here to read the article. 

Follow the Life!

Monday Meditations 004: Obtaining Victory

victory no condemnationThis Monday, I’m sharing an encouraging statement with you:

Because of that work of His [Jesus] on the cross, ther eis no need for me to go around accused by Satan and feeling depressed.  There is no need to listen for a moment to his whisper that there is no hope, that I might just as well indulge further in this or that sin, that I shall never get free, that he is stronger than I and so on.  It is all a lie; I can be as free of guilt as Jesus is.  The forces that He overcame were my foes.

~ Roy Hession in Not I, But Christ

For our part we need not struggle to occupy ground that is already ours.  In Christ we are conquerors – nay, “more than conquerors” (Romans 8:37).  In him, therefore we stand.  Thus today we do not fight for victory; we fight from victory.  We do not fight in order to win but because in Christ we have already won.  Overcomers are those who rest in the victory already given to them by their God.

~ Watchman Nee in Sit, Walk, Stand

It is finished.


Remember that Christ has already won the battle over death, and we rest in His victory as we partake of His life.  You no longer stand condemned; you are in the Beloved of God.

Question for discussion:

~ What does it look like to rest in victory?

Follow the Life!

One Tip for Discerning Spirit Vs. Flesh

Galatians spirit fleshDo you struggle to discern whether you are being led by your flesh or by the Spirit?

I know I have struggled with this many times. It’s often after I’ve made a selfish choice and see how it impacts others that the better path is seen more clearly.

Here is what I’ve observed in my own life:

The flesh is self-centered in everything.  The flesh is primarily self-concerned.  The flesh seeks self-preservation.  The flesh attempts to live through self-reliance.

The focus of the flesh is: how does this circumstance benefit me?  What keeps me on top?  What makes me feel good? How can I get my way?

Thankfully, Jesus destroyed our self-centered flesh on the cross and replaced it with the life and love in His very own Spirit.

The Spirit of Christ – the carrier of divine life and love – is contrary to the self-centered human spirit.

The Spirit is others centered.  He pours out His life to benefit others.  Primarily, He pours out the life of Christ into us for our benefit!

Note that in the context of Galatians 5, Paul compares the fruit of the flesh against the fruit of the Spirit.  What is attributed to “sinful flesh” is stimulated by selfishness.  What is attributed to the Spirit is of mutual benefit (love, joy, peace, patience, etc).

Therefore, in daily life, we can look at the motivations of our actions to determine their source. Is it to benefit ourselves above others, or is our motivation to serve others at our own cost?

Of course, this does not mean that you cannot take care of yourself, or that you must abusively neglect yourself or your health.  But we generally will look out for others and take care of others first, or see that whatever they may need from us is provided. In healthy relationships, there will be a give and take, with each person serving the other and also having time to meet their own basic needs for physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Question for discussion:

Follow the Life!

Monday Meditations 003: Not I, but Christ

It’s Monday!  Here’s a short quote that I have found to be immensely helpful in my walk with Christ.

God is not seeking a display of our Christ-likeness, but a manifestation of His Christ.
~ Watchman Nee

The idea of the quote is that we are not called become like Christ through any power of our own.

We must rely on Jesus alone in every moment, setting ourselves (our flesh) aside so that Christ Himself can be manifested and expressed through us.  We even rely on Christ to set our own flesh aside.

Everything always comes back to Christ alone.

My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20


Question for discussion:

~ What does this quote mean to you?

Follow the Life!

God Does Not Endorse Our Righteous Anger

unoffendableHave you ever claimed to have righteous anger?

Can you find “righteous anger” in the Scriptures?

I used to believe that I had a God-given right to be angry.  But I’ve learned over time that anger is not the 10th fruit of the Spirit.

And 1 Corinthians 13 highlights that the most excellent way is love.

The video below is of Brant Hansen, a radio DJ and author, sharing from his book Unoffendable, which I reviewed here.

I highly recommend watching the video below and getting the book as well.

Especially if you often find yourself angry and believing you have every right to be.

Question for Discussion:

~ Did this video change your view of anger?  How so?

Follow the Life!

Monday Meditations 002: How to Avoid Killing the Spirit

spirit life lawAs followers of Jesus, we are called to live by the Spirit of Christ who lives in us.  We draw our life from His indwelling Spirit, through which Christ leads and guides us as individuals and as ekklesias (local groups of believers).

Humanity, however, often turns the Spirit’s guiding into “rules” or “laws”, and so many live by rules and not by Life.  (This is actually the meaning of “Follow the Life!”, which is how I sign off my blog posts.)

I’ve done this in my own life many times, setting up a rule to pray, read the Bible, or some other spiritual practice, and to do it whether there is any fruit that comes from it or not!

Perhaps the Lord leads me to read a particular section of Scripture.  This is most likely not a leading to read that section at a certain time every day forever.  The Lord wants to move on to other things, as I probably would as well.  So we see that we must constantly go back to the source for our leading.

Of course, this doesn’t apply to every decision you make.  I’m not suggesting that we need the Lord’s leading to brush our teeth daily or to eat food and drink water, though there might be times we sense a leading to abstain from food or water temporarily.

The following quote, posted in a Facebook group by Jon Zens highlights how this can happen:

In 1980, Carlos Ortiz did an interview with the Wittenburg Door. Here is a little snippet of it that gets to the heart of what matters.

[One] evidence of immaturity in the church is the need for rules and laws. Children live by rules. They take a bath or brush their teeth because they are told to do it . . . . Suppose the Lord tells me to eat an orange. So I eat the orange and sincerely believe that God has led me. Tomorrow, the Lord tells me to eat an orange again. So what happens? The next day I write down a rule to eat an orange every day. And do you see what that does? Now I don’t need the Spirit anymore. I have a law instead. Laws kill life. Laws stop growth. You end up staying with a concept, a principle, or a doctrine rather than life. What we did yesterday in the Spirit, we do today in the flesh.
~ Posted on Facebook by Jon Zens, 3-22-2016

Always be ready for the Spirit to move spontaneously, and remember that what the Spirit calls us to do today might be reversed or completely different tomorrow.

Questions for discussion:

~ What are your thoughts about this quote?

~ How have you found yourself following rules instead of life?

Follow the Life!

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What is love?

Love has become a clay word – it has been molded to mean many different things.  And if a word has too many meanings it means nothing.  In this article I take a deep dive into Who love is and the very nature of that love in its length, width, depth, and height, as God’s love is described in Ephesians.

Click to read this article on the 3rd Race Blog.  love

This is my first post with 3rd Race and I will continue contributing with the community of bloggers there on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  I know most of the contributors there personally and they are the salt of the earth, so I’m honored to join in with them.


Follow the Life!


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Monday Meditation 001: Michaelangelo and Our New Nature in Christ

Reflecting On Our New Nature

I’m planning to start sharing a quote, picture, video, or other media on Mondays for reflection.  These will simply be something that I’ve come across that stood out to me as being worth sharing.  I will also suggest some questions for you to consider and answer in the comment section (see questions below).

So here’s the first set of quotes:

new nature michaelangeloIn one of his sermons, Phillips Brooks pictures the great Michelangelo standing outside a home while peering through a window where he sees all the tools an artist uses: brushes and paint, canvas and easel, the glow of light and the privacy of space. Upon seeing the opportunity existing there, the great artist then says, “If only I were inside, what a beautiful picture I could paint.” Today, Jesus, the Master Artist is looking into human hearts filled and felled with mistakes and neglect, and he says, “If only I were inside, what a beautiful life I could create – a life greater than all the best qualities of all the best people who ever lived.

Just as the life of the Father perfectly intersected and saturated the life of Jesus-wherein both were mysteriously the same and yet somehow distinct – so this same phenomenon is now at work in believers.

Through the new birth we become bona fide members of the original cosmic family (Ephesians 3:15), actual generated sons of God, (I John 3:2), “partakers of the divine nature” (II Peter 1:4), begotten by him, impregnated with his “genes,” called the seed or “sperma” of God (I John 5:1, 18 and I Peter 1:3, 23), and bearing his heredity.

~ J.W. Phillips in Pursuing the Divine Life: A Study of the New Nature

Questions for Discussion:

What do these quotes mean to you?

What do you think is meant by the phrase “what a beautiful life I could create”?


Follow the Life!


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Some links in this post are affiliate links, which means I may receive a tiny profit if you purchase one of these items from these links.  Take heart, I only recommend items I believe in and have personal experience with.

Experiencing Christ as Our Satisfaction

Hello Jesus lovers!jesus christmas

I have a short reflection on Christ today posted over at Daniel Passini’s Faith-Marriage-Life blog.

It deals with something that I believe is an epidemic spiritual disease in our time, resulting in many people, including Christians, feeling lost and unsatisfied in life.

Daniel and his wife Amber have a heart to go deeper into Christ and to help people thrive in life and marriage.

It is an honor to be their online guest.  I hope you’ll check out some of their other material.

Click here to go to their site and read the article.

Follow the Life!

Peace, Joy, Hope and Love Have a Name

Whaaaaaat???  A new blog post from XP Christ???

I’ve been away for a while but have been working on getting back into the swing of blogging.

In the meantime, here’s a new Christmas song that just might bless your socks off.  It is a spoken word from Folk Angel, who release a new Christmas album each year.  They only release Christmas music and I look forward to the album at Christmas time.

Follow the Life!


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